What's Available

2024 Accent Plant Availability

The below listing should be used as a guide for variety availability
Not all listed varieties may be available
Other varieties may be available and not currently listed
Updated: 02.15.24

Artemisia SunFern Arcadia

Artemisia SunFern Olympia

Carex - Red Rooster

Centaurea Silver Swirl

Colocasia - Coffee Cups

Colocasia - Distant Memory

Cordyline - Cherry Cordial

Draccena Spike

Dusty Miller

Eupatorium - Elegant Feather

Helichrysum Silver Mist



Isolepis - Live Wire

Ipomea - Sweet Potato Vine

Lysimachia - Creeping Jenny

Muehlenbeckia - Big Leaf Creeping Wire Vine

Pennisetum - Purple Fountain Grass

Senecio - Angel Wings

Stipa - Pony Tail Grass

Vinca Vine